Central Board of Secondary Education has remodeled the Assessment Structure of Class X from the Academic year 2017-18 onwards.

Remodeled Structure of Assessment

Scholastic Area

SubjectScheme of Assessment ( Total Marks 100)
Language 1 (English)
Language 2 (Malayalam)
Social Science
Board Examination 80 MarksInternal Assessment 20 marks
Board will conduct Examination for 80 marks in each subject covering 100% syllabus of the subject. Marks and Grades both will be awarded for individual subjects. 9 - point grading will be followed (common to all subjects)Periodic Tests (10 marks)Note book Submission (5 marks)Subject Enrichment Activity (5 marks)
 Based on the score in periodic written tests. Average of the best two tests to be taken for final marks submission

This will cover

  • Regularity
  • Assessment completion and timely submission
  • Neatness & upkeep of Notebooks
  • Speaking and Listening skills for Languages.
  • Practical Lab work for science
  • Maths Lab Activities and projects for Maths.
  • Map work & Project work for Social science

Co-Scholastic Activities (to be graded on 5-point Scale – A –E)

ActivityAreas and Objectives
Work EducationWork education is a distinct curricular area for students for participation in Social , Economic and Welfare activities. Student gets a sense of community service and develop self- reliance
Art EducationArt Education constitutes an important area of curricular activity for development of wholesome personality of the students. Students will select one or more forms of creative arts.
Health and Physical Education ( Sports, Martial Arts / Yoga etc)Health & Physical Activity must be given a regular period. Students should be provided opportunities to get professionally trained in the area of their interest. Indigenous sports, Yoga, Karate etc must be encouraged in the schools creating a sense of physical fitness, discipline, sportsmanship, patriotism, self sacrifice and health care

Discipline ( to be graded on 5- point scale) - Based on Attendance, Sincerity , Behavior and Values.

Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps build character. Sincerity , good behavior and values develop strength and foster unity and co-operation.

Assessment scheme for classes VI – IX

For the purpose of uniformity, the Assessment model of Class X will be followed in classes VI – IX.